Journey to me…

Ok, so I realise it is the New Year and everyone is finding their resolutions, this isn’t so much that. I have been looking forward to coming into my new skin after this birth of my last baby and it just so happens that my 6 weeks postpartum date fell right smack dab on New Years Day.

I feel so much better right now, like my ground is not so shaky but I still know I need to work on me. I need to keep momentum within myself and move forward. Every part of myself needs to push forward, I am in no place to fall back or stay stagnant.

One area I am working on is my physical self. Having these babies back to back and at a much older age than my first two has moved my body to a whole different place. I have never felt like I do right now. My body is “softer” let’s just say right now, which I am ok with. I guess that is the good part with being older, I really am ok with me when I look in the mirror. I am the mother of 5 beautiful children and gave birth to three in less than three years, & I just had my last baby 6 weeks ago. I am not looking for a crash diet or a fast fix. I want to feel healthy. I am starting with my diet and fueling myself from the inside. I took “before photos” so to speak of myself, kind of so I can watch my own personal progression. Finding time for “working out” will be my biggest challenge right now I am sure, there are a few little people who need their mama almost constantly and there is nothing more important I could do for them than keep myself healthy.

My physical self is not my biggest area. I am working on me, my inner self. I am committing myself to keeping growth coming from within, I personally feel this is the very most important area to put focus on. I am trying to keep only positive and open thoughts and energy around me. I feel so much better than I did last year mentally, and I am committed to never going back to that area, if I can help it. My family deserves better than that, my marriage also deserves much better than that… it was a dark place and I never want to walk in those shadows again.

I am excited to enter this phase in my life. I am excited to be the best version of myself, for myself and everyone in my circle.

Author: kasstu

I am a wifey & have been with my husband since 2001, we have 5 amazing kids who I have been able to stay home & raise. Life is a constant lesson & I'm thankful for the growth. Trying to remember to see the good in all things & to trust my journey. 💚

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